With due apologies to Omen One, Star Wars III, First Blood one, Evil dead one and all the other ones out there, Alchemy Technologies proudly presents their new widescreen hit –
Evul Boss One
Brought to you by the daring camera work done by the team from the first floor
Scene One – Alchemy Campus on a fine Wednesday afternoon at 2:45pm. The Empty Room
Evul boss ventures out of his lair and discovers that all indentured younglings have escaped their binding and bonding workstations and are nowhere to be found.
Scene 2, Alchemy campus, 30 seconds later. Younglings
The camera slowly zooms in to the unsuspecting younglings who are still unaware of their dreaded fate
Scene 3, background music from a mix of Psycho, Evil dead and Final Destination. The arrival
The Evul boss arrives.
Scene 4, Evul boss and his Evul Laugh. Evul Boss
Scene 5. Closing scene.
Mortally traumatized, the younglings managed to escape while the Evul boss is still laughing his Evul laugh.
The end.