Here is some additional detail on the review of traffic on the Learning Corporate Finance Portal that I ran a little earlier. I exported a simple dump out of Google Analytics to take a look at earnings and clicks in a given month. The graph below shows Adsense earnings and Adsense clicks on the vertical axis and the number of month (from March till September) on the horizontal axis.
The second graph links the clicks to the page impressions, also by month. Page impressions with zero clicks, with one click all the way upto 4 clicks on a given day. A couple of tweaks in presentation, Adsense ads re-location and the competitive ad filter that were applied in June 2010, started to payoff in July and came through in a big way in August 2010. You can see that by the reduction in the number of page impressions with zero clicks and the steady increase in the impressions with one, two, three and four clicks in the second graph. More importantly we have already have had a 3 click and a 2 click day within the first 3 days of September.
So the strategy for September is to bring the blue line as low as possible and increase the other colors as much as possible. Let’s see how this graph looks in early October.