A full ten years after I wrote my first finance course, the Online Finance Course store is now live at the Learning Corporate Finance Portal. Over the last 30 months, our model for selling content online has taken some unexpected routes. Figuring out word press hacks, digital rights management and payment gateways in this part of the world with limited personal time to devote to a pet project was a challenge. But what really surprised me was that from inception to launch with about 2 hours on average every night, it took only 6 months to get to revenues, traffic and customers. As Ashar Zaidi, said the other day, when I told him how far we had come, “Dude, we were ten years too early”.
Our popular online finance courses First Course in Corporate Finance, Ratio Analysis, Value at Risk (VaR), Interest Rate Derivatives courses and ALM (Asset Liability Management) Crash Course have been converted into PDF files with supporting downloadable excel files and examples. The Print, Non-print choice refers to your ability to actually print the pdf file. The non-print editions are secured pdf’s that are viewable only. If you plan on printing copies of these courses, I would recommend the printable pdf edition.
The Corporate Finance and Ratio Analysis courses include a full solved case. The Corporate Finance case is based on Electronic Arts (EA), while the Ratio Analysis case works with Office Depot (ODP) and Staples (STPLS). The Value at Risk (VaR) course includes a case on Risk management within the Petrochemical industry. The Interest Rate Swap, Interest Rate Option course includes solved examples for pricing IRS, CCS, Interest Rate Caps, Interest Rate Floors and Range Accrual Notes. The ALM course includes worked example for calculating Interest Rate Gaps, Market Value of Equity, Cost to Close and Earning at Risk report templates.
Pricing is reasonably flexible. Save a few dollars by picking our secured, non-printable, student pdf editions. Pay a few dollars more for the privilege of printing and sharing. Taking a peek at our excel files will also set you back by (you guessed it) yet more dollars. And if you dislike our capitalist initiatives to earn a few cents on the side and would like to have every thing for free, the html editions of the courses are available for just this purpose. Just click on any of the links or thumbnails above for access to the free online html editions.