Apparently everyone who has been reading Learning Corporate Finance is stuck at New York airport waiting for their flights, stuck in the subway for the snow to clear or in transit back to warmth and civilization. And those that didn’t venture out have snuck into their blankets with thick warm book. No one wants to study ALM or Value at Risk.
Because they certainly aren’t here at Finance Training Courses. Traffic these last ten days has been terrible starting from the day before Christmas Eve and lasting all the way to the New year. This is the first week in six months that we fell below the hundred unique visitors a day benchmark (thank God that it was only for a day) but it was terrible. My general indicator of how traffic would be for the day is my Google Analytics visitor number at 7 am in the morning. If we have crossed a hundred by 7 am we will cross 300 at midnight. For the last 8 weeks we had touch that benchmark regularly. Since the 23rd evening my 7 am number is now 36. It is terrible.
In other breaking news I finally remembered how good an ice cold mountain dew tasted with salty munchies when I had one by mistake a few days ago. I have been drowning my traffic sorrows with one for the last three days. End result can’t go to sleep till one am in the night and get a strong withdrawal headache at 5 pm every afternoon. Once you go off the Caffeine addiction getting back on the wagon is painful.
The only good thing that came out of this entire experience: Apparently this confirms the fact that we have a strong following in business schools (which are closed for the holidays) and North America (which is off on holidays). Next year I will plan ahead and disappear myself when Christmas shows up.